Boost Your Campaigns
Through precise segmentation and targeting, we’ll help you boost the impact of your campaigns and take the hassle out of email communication.

Be Sure Your Data Is Safe
Start with our trusted data and we’ll work together to transform your campaigns into a polished and strategic email communication service.

Free Consultation
Contact us today for a free consultation on what we can do to enhance your email communication program. You’ll be glad you did!
Our Story
Hello. My name is Roger Alan Stone. I founded Advocacy Data in 2010 to do one thing and do it better than anyone else – provide voter, donor and email data of such quality and depth that would transform what was possible in Political, Advocacy and Constituent Communications.
Working politics since the mid-eighties and in the intersection of politics, the Internet and data since 1998 at Juno Online Services and then Advocacy Inc., I participated in the ongoing online, email and big data revolutions. At the center of online and offline communications and now social media was DATA. And we at Advocacy Data resolved we could best serve our clients by being the best at that one thing.